Welcome Fall!

Welcome Fall!

Maker Monday

 Fall is such a fun season for so many people. It is a time for football, cooler weather, pumpkins, and harvests. There are hayrides, corn mazes, and apple picking. It is also the time when many leaves begin to change their color from green to the vibrant yellows, reds, and oranges.

Today, you will create leaf art that celebrates the changing leaves of the fall season!

Step 1: When we see the leaves start to change color, we know that fall is here. Why do some leaves change their color in the fall? Check out this video to learn more why the leaves change colors. Think about what impacts the leaves changing color. Explore the changes in daylight in this video.

Step 2: There are many factors that can influence the leaves changing. These factors can include the tree species, the weather, and the amount of moisture in the soil. Also, there are some trees that have leaves that don’t change color at all. Investigate this website to learn more as well as some other interesting facts.

Step 3:
Did you know that the  leaves have a peak season? This is when they will be at their brightest and usually the best time to view them in their full color. Check out this website to see when the leaves are predicted to be in their peak season where you live.

Step 4:
The leaves in your area may be starting to change color and may still be green. That's ok; you will be able to complete this fun fall craft. Supplies for your project: a variety of  leaves (different color, shapes, sizes) and any arts/crafts supplies you have. Use your leaves to create animals, characters from a story, or a piece of art. Look here to find some great ideas.

Step 5:
Be sure to ask an adult to share your leaf craft on social media using #MakerMonday & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

The Science of Fall

Neighborhood Collage

Wonder Wednesday


Have you ever wondered what animals do in the fall? Some will be growing their warm winter coats while others will be growing extra fur and fat on their feet to walk in the snow. Other animals will be eating lots and lots of food to be able to survive in the winter months. 

Today, you will explore how different animals prepare themselves for winter during the fall months!

Step 1: Fall is a very busy time for many animals as they are preparing for winter. Some will migrate or travel south, some will prepare for hibernation, and some will make changes to their bodies. Enjoy this read aloud  “Animals in Fall: Preparing for Winter” to learn more.

Step 2:
Squirrels are busy during the fall collecting and burying nuts. So, how do they know and remember where they buried them when it’s time to eat? Watch this video to learn just how the squirrels are able to find their nuts.

Step 3:
 Did you know that an animal's habitat may determine what they do during the fall?  Some animals will actually change their diet from being a carnivore to a herbivore. Investigate this website to learn more of these interesting facts.

Step 4:
Fall is the perfect season to visit the zoo. The animals are more active when the weather starts getting cooler. This will give you a better chance of seeing some of your favorites! Check out this news story to learn more.

Step 5:
Ask a family member to share what you learned about animals in the fall on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Smithsonian’s National Zoo: Fall is the Best

Read Aloud:  “Leaves” to see how Bear prepares in the fall

Future Friday

As the seasons change, some plants die off while others bloom and thrive. There are many important careers in the horticultural and agricultural industry. Whether you are working with trees, plants, or food crops, each of these careers plays an important role.

Today, you will explore potential careers in horticulture and agriculture!

Step 1: Has this week made you more interested in plants and trees?  You could have a career as a horticulturist. This career would allow you to work  with greenhouses, nurseries, agriculture, research, or  landscaping.


Step 2: Perhaps you would love to learn more about working in a nursery and being a nurseryman. Plant nurseries are like a nursery you'd think of for a baby - but it's for plant babies! Explore this video to learn more about the job description. 

Step 3: Do you love to eat pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pie, or pumpkin spice?  Is carving pumpkins one of your favorite things to do in the fall?  All of these require pumpkins!  A career in pumpkin farming allows you to grow many varieties of pumpkins for others to enjoy in the fall.

 Step 4: Pumpkins, apples, trees, mums, and other plants are a sure sign of fall.  Many of these successful crops depend on an agricultural engineer for suggestions for farming equipment, crop harvesting, and production facilities. Check out more about what an agricultural engineer does.

Step 5:
 Ask a family member to share something you learned about one of the careers using #FutureFridayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

How to Become an Agricultural Engineer

Apple Farming

Connecting Globally - We at TSIN believe STEM connects us all and in an effort to enhance those connections, the Resources for 2021 will be connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it's impacts

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