Defined Careers

Defined Careers

Defined Careers™ has 79 career pathways and 450+ career-focused projects across 16 career clusters.We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. 




Defined Careers™ is a project-based solution that allows 

students in grades K-12 to explore and experience careers. It includes a career assessment that guides students towards real-world projects across recommended career pathways. Defined Careers empowers educators to provide all students with equitable access to careers. Read more about Defined Careers on our one-pager


Defined Careers™ focuses on the student holistically by assessing each students’ interests, values, and study preferences. Using the assessment as a guide, each student is provided a personalized list of career pathways projects and hands-on performance tasks that allow students to experience the careers at a deeper level.


Defined Careers™ has 79 career pathways and 450+ career-focused projects across 16 career clusters. Using their assessment results, students choose between 2 recommended career pathways that best fit their academic and career interests. Once on a career path, students work through a series of hands-on performance tasks giving them the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges to better understand if a career is for them.



As students complete their performance tasks, their products are saved in an online student portfolio so educators and support staff can track and manage each student’s growth as they explore more careers.

The online portfolio will follow students year to year as they advance their career explorations.


“Defined Careers connects learners with the career pathway options that interest them most. Students can explore those pathways and experience a performance-based task similar to what they would expect to see in that actual career. Giving young learners those opportunities to solve real problems helps them identify a future pathway. The tasks keep my student engaged and interested in learning.” 

-8th Grade Teacher


Do you have questions? We have answers.

  • Who can participate?

    Defined Careers is available to all students grades K-12 in Tennessee at no cost.

  • Is Defined Careers integrated with district LMS (Clever, Canvas, etc)?

    Yes, please reach out to Julie Gagne (888)759-5020) with Defined Careers for further information about integrating with your district's LMS. She can be reached at

  • Can someone walk me through the platforms?

    Explore both Defined Careers and Elevate TN with this recorded Webinar

  • Is Defined Careers an effective program for virtual or in-person learning?

    Both! Defined Careers offers both virtual and in-person learning opportunities for students. 

  • Will there be webinars to help teachers get started?

    Yes, webinars will be hosted in September and October to support educators as they begin using Defined Careers.

  • How does Defined Careers differ from Elevate TN?

    You can use this side-by-side comparison to see how the platforms differ.

  • Still have questions?

    We're here to support you. 

    Contact Ben Di'Chiara at

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