National Fire Prevention Week

National Fire Prevention Week!

Maker Monday

The month of October contains National Fire Prevention Week in the United States. This year's theme is: Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety! Check out this video on prevention week. Having a plan and knowing the sounds will save lives. The National Fire Protection Association provides tips for creating a plan.

Today, you will create a poster to help keep you safe!

Step 1: Check out this video to learn more about the history of Fire Safety, and why bringing awareness to fire safety is important.

Step 2: One way to help keep your family safe is creating a safety plan for your family. Check out how to create the plan here. Don't forget to discuss this plan as a family and practice the plan together.

Step 3:
This week’s Fire Prevention theme is "Learn the Sounds of a Fire." The National Fire Protection Associate wants you to have a plan for your family and know the sounds to keep you safe. Check out these tips.

Step 4:
Using the tips and information you have learned about the sounds of fire, create a poster to bring awareness to Fire Prevention. Check out this video and submit your poster here by October 30th.

Step 5:
Be sure to ask an adult to share your poster on social media using #MakerMonday, #LearningInPlaceTN, & @TNCommerceInsur!

Additional Resources:

Kids Activities

Fire Safety Plan Template 

Wonder Wednesday


Smoke detectors can keep you and your family safe when smoke is in the air. It is important to keep fresh batteries in them and test them regularly. Ever wonder how smoke detectors work? Do you know how many detectors should you have in your home? Sprinkler systems also help stop fires from spreading by providing an immediate response.  

Today, you will explore how smoke detectors and sprinkler systems prevent fires!

Step 1: How do smoke detectors work and who invented them? Watch this video to learn how a small plastic invention on your ceiling can detect smoke and save lives. Examine this infographic on smoke detectors at home. 

Step 2:
Ever wonder where firemen and firetrucks get water to fight fires? Investigate how fire hydrants work here.

Step 3:
 Sprinkler systems help quickly put out fires in homes and buildings. Have you ever wondered how sprinkler systems know to turn on? Explore how sprinkler systems work here.

Step 4:
Another tool that helps fight fires are fire extinguishers. But what is the white dust that comes from the extinguisher? How does it put out a fire? Why should you have a fire extinguisher in your home? Learn more about these life saving devices here.

Step 5:
Ask a family member to share what you learned about smoke detectors and sprinklers on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

How to be prepared for a wildfire?

Are all wildfires bad?

Future Friday

Many people are responsible for keeping civilians safe from the dangers of fire. Prevention, education, and planning are  important to protect and keep people safe. From firefighters to fire investigators, there are a variety of careers that focus on keeping people safe and buildings intact.

Today, you will explore potential careers in Fire Prevention!

Step 1: When you think of fire prevention, the first career that comes to mind is a firefighter. Firefighters are the front line in fighting fires. Explore eleven ways to become a firefighter here. Learn more about another career in fire prevention called a Fire and Safety Officer here.


Step 2: What is Fire Science and how does a degree in this field lead to other career opportunities? Explore a degree in fire science here. One career opportunity  is an Arson Investigator. An investigator helps process and analyze how fires start. Learn more here.

Step 3: Do you love the outdoors? Do you have an interest in preventing and fighting wildfires? A career as a National Park Wildland Firefighter might be a great career for you. Learn more here.

 Step 4: What is a Fire Archeologist? Learn more about how a fire archeologist helps protect our forests here.

Step 5:
 Ask a family member to share something you learned about one of the careers using #FutureFridayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Fire Safety (EMS/HAZMAT)

Studying Fires

Connecting Globally - We at TSIN believe STEM connects us all and in an effort to enhance those connections, the Resources for 2021 will be connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and it's impacts

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