Exploring Coding

Exploring Technical & Creative Skills through Coding

Maker Monday

Computer programming or coding uses precise instructions to a computer to complete a task. A critical skill to becoming a coder or programmer is to practice giving error-free instructions. 

Today, you will write your own code to help your character through a Lego Maze! 

Step 1: You may not be aware, but computer coding is all around us. Watch this video to understand what coding is and examples of code in real life.

Step 2: You might think that you have to have lots of technology on hand to practice coding. However, there are technology free options for practicing precise instructions. Read this article about a tech free option using a Lego maze.
Step 3: With either the printable templates from ResearchParent’s website or your Da Vinci notebook to design your own Lego maze.

Step 4: Write your own code or use printable direction cards from ResearchParent’s website to get your character through the Lego maze. Test your code!

Step 5: Ask a family member to share your design on social media using #MakerMondayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Wonder Wednesday

Do you know what an App is? Have you ever wondered why you download Apps on your phone or tablet? Apps or Applications are used for a variety of purposes and in a multitude of ways.

Today, you will consider all the ways Apps make our lives easier!

Step 1: Watch this video to understand what apps are and why they exist. Think about how you already use apps or how you might use an app to improve your daily routine.

Step 2: Have you ever wanted to make your own App? It might not be as difficult as you think. Visit this site to learn how Apps are made. Now jot down some ideas for Apps in your Da Vinci notebook. 

Step 3: Use this Mobile Design 101 guide from PBS Learning Media to help you develop an idea for an App. Use the last page from the guide to sketch out your App.

Step 4: If you will enter middle school or high school next year and want to turn your App idea into reality, visit the Congressional App Challenge website to register yourself or a team. 

Step 5: Ask an adult to share your App idea on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Future Friday

Information Technology (IT) careers are in high demand as this field grows due to society expanding its use of technology. Education for IT careers range from certifications to advanced degrees. 

Today, you will screen varying careers in Information Technology!

Step 1: With so many careers in Information Technology, it might be overwhelming.  Watch this video to learn about the different career clusters. This video will explain more about management in IT.

Step 2: Software Engineers  build software products, develop computer games, and run network control systems. Watch this video to get a glimpse into a day at work as a software engineer. 

Step 3: Don't forget that kids can create amazing products! Get inspired by Thomas Suarez who shares his story of being a 12-year-old app developer in this TED video.

Step 4: If numbers and data are exciting to you, you might enjoy a career as a Data Specialist. Learn more about this in-demand career here.

Step 5: Ask a family member to share something new you learned about a career using #FutureFridayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Connecting Globally - We at TSIN believe STEM connects us all and in an effort to enhance those connections, the resources from the STEAM Resource Hub will be connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Goal 3:  Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

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