Exploring Tennessee Innovations

Exploring Tennessee Innovations

Maker Monday

Today, you will learn about innovations in Tennessee! Innovations are new products, ideas, or methods, and we have had many come from our state. Innovations always give back to the world. Check out all the exciting  innovations designed in Tennessee. See how you can make these innovations even better!

Today, you will explore Tennessee Innovations and become an innovator!

Step 1: Tennessee became the 16th state of added to the USA on June 1, 1796. Since then, Tennessee had made incredible discoveries that have bettered lives. Explore different innovations from Tennessee. Check out this source: innovations from Tennessee.

Step 2: Today, you are going to take a product innovated in Tennessee and make it better. When creating a business and product you are always having to innovate your goods

Step 3:
Innovations create something that sells and/or gives back to the world. Check out how GooGoo Clusters have made their innovation better over the years. Explore how you can customize your Goo Goo Cluster here. How cool is it that you can now customize your special Nashville treat!

Step 4:
Brainstorm different ways that you could make the Tennessee innovation better? Beyond the customization of a GooGoo Cluster, how might you improve the product? Don't forget to use the Engineering Design Process. Design your new prototype and logo for your innovation. You can put your design in your DaVinci Notebook.

Step 5:
Be sure to share your innovation on social media using #MakerMondayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Driving Innovation in Tennessee

TN Awards of Innovation

Wonder Wednesday


Today, you'll wonder about all things innovative! How does innovation impact the world around us? How does innovation impact our daily lives? Consider why people innovate and imagine the problem solving process innovators go through. What mindset does an innovative person have?

Today, you will investigate innovations from the past and present!

Step 1: Innovation is the spirit of improvement and creativity. This article talks about "The Eight Essentials of Innovation". Consider which of these traits you possess and how you might strengthen others. Check out this video about innovation. 

Step 2:
Tennessee is home to a very large innovation center, one that has and is still changing the world today. Can you believe it!  Right here in Tennessee, check it out here. Wonder where it is located? What innovations have come from this innovation center?

Step 3:
 We live in an world of advancing technologies. From computers to medicine, space travel to automobiles, people are constantly creating and improving products. What are some of the biggest innovations that are impacting our world today? Check out this link here. Which one most impressed you? Write about it in your DaVinci Notebook.

Step 4:
Once you have an innovation, how do you protect your ideas? What is a patent? Check out this link that explains a patent and the importance of having  for your innovation.

Step 5:
Ask a family member to share what you learned about innovation on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Teaching Innovation for Kids

Science of Innovation

Future Friday

Today, you will explore careers  in Tennessee that use innovation to make the world a better place. Joseph Schumpeter says that “each time innovation by entrepreneurs occurs, it must change what already exists.” Innovation is everywhere in careers; without innovation the world cannot become bigger and better.

 Today, you will "think local" with careers located in your backyard!

Step 1: Interested about cars and how they are made? Tennessee is home to large car industries like Nissan (Smyrna, TN) and GM (SpringHill, TN). How is innovation used by an automotive engineer Alicia Boler Davis? Check out what it takes to be an automotive engineer here

Step 2: Check out this famous entrepreneur from Knoxville, TN that saw a need and it has transformed the world today. Learn about the Dempster Dumpster here.  How can you become an entrepreneur, check this video out.  

Step 3: Protecting endangered  critters sound interesting? Environmental engineers in Nashville under the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation work to protect the Nashville Crayfish check this out here.

 Step 4: Interested in innovative technologies that help people who are sick or hurt. Biomedical engineering is a great career to study. Check out how a Memphis, Tennessee based company's invention can  map veins in your body to help doctors and nurses.

Step 5:
Ask a family member to share something you learned about one of the careers using #FutureFridayTN & #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

National Inventors Hall of Fame

Educational Innovators

Connecting Globally - We at TSIN believe STEM connects us all and in an effort to enhance those connections, the Resources Series for 2021 will be connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Goal 9:  Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

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