Exploring Space Science

Exploring Space Science

Monday, January 11th

Rockets have formed the basis of space travel and are designed to launch into extreme environments in space. This week, you will explore the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry. 

Today, you'll create a rocket and collect flight data based on an original design!

Step 1: Watch this video of NASA SpaceX Launch, which sent astronauts to the International Space Station.

Step 2: 3-2-1 blast off! Use this guide to create a straw rocket and collect flight data. 

Step 3: You have made your first prototype. What’s next? Watch this video on how to build, launch, and improve your straw rocket.

Step 4: Now that you have an initial design and data collection. Make another rocket using the engineering and design process. Launch and collect data. 

Step 5: Ask a family member or teacher to share pictures or videos of your rockets on social media using #MakerMondayTN, #LearningInPlaceTN and #VirtualMoonshot!

Additional Resources:

Wednesday, January 13th

What do rockets actually do? We’ve seen them launch into space, but why are we sending rockets into space? Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the Universe and the history of our solar system.

Today, you will learn about how rockets fly and the purpose behind space exploration!

Step 1: Read to learn about What is a Rocket?

Step 2: Watch this video to learn about the history of rockets. Who invented the first rocket? How are rockets used today?

Step 3: Learn about how a rocket flies in this video. Think about how Newton's Laws apply to launching a rocket.

Step 4: Using your rocket from #MakerMondayTN, explain what a rocket is and how it flies to a family member or classmate.

Step 5: Ask your a family member or teacher to share your rocket explanation on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

Friday, January 15th

This is rocket science! Through addressing the challenges related to human space exploration we expand technology, create new industries, and help to foster a peaceful connection with other nations.

Today, you will discover what a rocket scientist does and learn about careers related to rocketry! 

Step 1: Learn from Denise Gilliand as she explains what a rocket scientist does. 

Step 2: Read this article about career paths in the field of rocketry from NASA scientists and engineers.

Step 3: Get inspired by the story of a teenage rocket scientist.

Step 4: What does a rocket scientist look like? Georgia Tech graduate Tiffany Davis gives her thoughts based on her experiences.

Step 5: Ask a family member or teacher to share something you learned about being a rocket scientist and why you might be interested in that career field using #FutureFridayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

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