Exploring Entrepreneurship

Exploring Entrepreneurship and Product Design

Maker Monday

Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to design new products and services to help people. There are many considerations that go into creating a product and making it ready to sell (otherwise known as "bringing the product to market").  

Today, you will investigate how entrepreneurs cultivate ideas and create products/services!

Step 1: What is an entrepreneur and what do they do? Watch this video to learn more about entrepreneurship from a kids perspective.  

Step 2: Brainstorm as many ideas of a product or service to make someone’s life easier or better. Make notes about your ideas in your Da Vinci notebook (started June 7th).

Step 3: Watch this eleven year old pitch her amazing idea.  When an entrepreneur pitches their idea, they look for feedback. Select one of your ideas and "pitch" your to someone in your house and ask for their feedback. 

Step 4: Now that you've gotten feedback about your business plan, it's time to refine it and build it out with a checklist. Use this Business Plan checklist to help you.

Step 5: Ask a family member to share a picture of your business plan on social media using #MakerMondayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Wonder Wednesday

Have you ever thought about making a product or creating a service? What stopped you from finishing your plan? You don't have to wait until you're an adult to use your creativity, imagination, or interest in helping others. There are several qualities and characteristics that unite successful, young entrepreneurs. 

Today, you will consider how to become a Kidpreneur (kid+entreprenuer)

Step 1: Write in your Da Vinci notebook what 4 characteristics you think it takes to be a successful Kidpreneur.

Step 2: Kidpreneurs are successful all over the world. Check out these 3 kidpreneurs that are out to change the world. What characteristics helped them succeed? Write these in your notebook for reflection.

Step 3: Watch this video on “GRIT”. After the video, how would you explain GRIT to a friend? Why would GRIT be an important characteristic of a kidpreneurs? Answer in your Da Vinci Notebook.

Step 4: Finally, reflect in your Da Vinci notebook. Write 3 qualities you possess that would make you a strong kidpreneur. What are three areas you need to work on?

Step 5: Ask a family member to share a picture of your reflections and findings on social media using #WonderWednesdayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

Additional Resources:

Future Friday

The business field is one of the fastest growing career paths! By 2028, about 600,000 jobs will be added in this field! Entrepreneurship is just a small piece of the business cluster. Does a career choice in this field mean wealth? Freedom? The ability to help others?

Today, you will research more about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. 

Step 1: Explore a day in the life of an entrepreneur. If you are in grade K-3, watch this video. If you are older than 3rd grade check out this video.

Step 2:  Watch this video about bringing a product to market. Consider your product idea from Monday. If you wanted to bring that product to market, what kinds of jobs would you need to work with? Jot down your ideas in your Da Vinci notebook. 

Step 3: Check out the "Best Advice for Kids From Entrepreneurs". What are some common themes you notice within the advice? Jot them down in your Da Vinci Notebook. 

Step 4: Ask a family member to share something you learned about a career in entrepreneurship using #FutureFridayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!

Connecting Globally - We at TSIN believe STEM connects us all and in an effort to enhance those connections, the resources from the STEAM Resource Hub will be connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

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